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BlueSky Mind Studio are here to help you improve your health and wellbeing through motivational and strength based therapies. Our aim is to ensure you not just survive but learn to thrive. We will work with you to identify your current barriers and empower you to make changes that will improve your quality of life.

Beyond our therapy sessions we will help you identify non-clinical activities and services that can help you build and maintain social and community connections which will improve your mental health.

How will BlueSky Mind Studio’s Counselling service help me?

Your support will be tailored to your individual needs, goals and circumstances, and can include:

Two people sitting at a table talking Getting to know you Our Therapists will get to know you and your ambitions, and help you plan to achieve your goals
Two hands shake and make the shape of a heart Overcome barriers We will identify barriers to achieving your goals and work with you to overcome them
A striped road block sign Collaborative support We will work collaboratively with your other supports to provide the best outcomes
Three people are connected by lines, two are using computers and one is reading something from a smartphone Finding community connections We will help you find activities and services that can provide positive community connections

What are Therapeutic Supports?

Therapeutic Supports can include a wide range of services that help you to improve your functional skills and independence. Therapeutic Supports will look different on every NDIS plan and can be used to fund supports as varied as personal trainers, dietitians and therapists.

If you do not have an NDIS plan but would still like to access BlueSky Mind Studio counselling services you may be more suited to our telehealth counselling service.

Should I see a Counsellor or Psychologist?

With such a wide range of services available to help and support you if you experience mental health issues, how do you decide who can best help? For individuals without a diagnosed mental health disorder a Psychologist or Counsellor may be able to provide support. Psychologists and Counsellors can both provide talking therapies including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). Blue Sky Mind Studio has both registered Psychologists, Counsellors and Psychotherapists available to support your needs.

Both Counsellors and Psychologists can also provide support to help mentally healthy people to function better. If you have identified the reason you are seeking therapy (for example you are struggling with anxiety, depression, self-esteem issues, motivation, or obsessions) a counsellor is an excellent place to start as wait times are generally shorter.

If you are looking to ensure you have the right level of support from the NDIS to achieve your goals you will need to see a Psychologist to conduct a Functional Capacity Assessment. A Functional Capacity Assessment can help you determine your functional abilities and the limitations you experience performing everyday activities, and determine any areas where you may require support or assistance.

The Blue Sky Mind Studio team includes both qualified Counsellors with experience providing CBT therapy, and Psychologists able to provide in depth care to assist with significant mental health issues and Functional Capacity Assessments.

Learn more about our team.

How do I apply for Therapeutic Supports?

To be eligible for Therapeutic Supports, participants must first be eligible to receive an NDIS plan. During the application process for an NDIS plan (or during the review period), you may choose to apply for Therapeutic Supports through the Improved Daily Living, Improved Health and Wellbeing or Improved Relationships budgets under the Capacity Building category.

BlueSky Mind Studio counselling can also be funded through the Assessment Recommendation Therapy or Training - Counsellor budget.

Still have questions? Ask us how we can help you