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BlueSky Mind Studio can help you ensure you have the right level of support from the NDIS to achieve your goals by undertaking a Functional Capacity Assessment with one of our qualified Psychologists. Having an up to date Functional Capacity Assessment that accurately reflects your current functional abilities and the limitations you experience performing everyday actions can help you to access the correct level of funding for your current needs.

How will an updated Functional Capacity Assessment help me?

Our Functional Capacity Assessments are person centred and will help you to:

An NDIS Support Plan Improved Support Plan Get more effective and tailored support with an accurate snapshot of your strengths, challenges and goals
A key Increased Access to Services Identify areas where you may benefit from additional supports or services not currently funded in your plan
A speech bubble Improved Provider Communication Improve communication with current providers by providing a clear and comprehensive picture of your current functional capacity
Smiling person Enhanced Self-Awareness Understand your own strengths, challenges, and goals, and be empowered to advocate for your own needs and preferences.

What is a Functional Capacity Assessment (FCA)?

A Functional Capacity Assessment (FCA) is used to evaluate your ability to perform everyday activities and tasks. FCAs are typically conducted by qualified health professionals such as Psychologists or Occupational Therapists, depending on the type of disability being assessed an FCA may focus on evaluations of physical functioning, such as mobility and strength, or on assessments of cognitive and emotional functioning for mental health conditions

The goal of an FCA is to identify your functional strengths and challenges and to develop an individualised support plan that meets your specific needs and goals. FCA’s can play an important role in helping your to access the right supports and services to improve functional capacity and achieve your goals within the NIDS framework.

If you don’t feel that your abilities have significantly changed since your last FCA, or if you don’t want to undertake an FCA, you may want to explore our other NDIS services.

How often do I need an FCA?

There is no prescribed timeframe for how often you should get an updated Functional Capacity Assessment. You may choose to get a new FCA with every plan review, or you may choose never to have one at all.

As an FCA is used to evaluate your ability to perform everyday activities and tasks, getting an updated assessment whenever there is a significant change in your circumstances or capacity will ensure that you are accessing the correct level of funding. You may also want to organise regular FCAs in order to monitor gradual changes and ensure that you are not missing out on funding that could make a significant impact in your everyday life.

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How is an FCA funded?

A Functional Capacity Assessment (FCA) is a valuable tool to support your requests for NDIS funding, and while the cost of an FCA can be a significant expense it is possible to have one funded through your NDIS plan. If you request an FCA from your Local Area Coordinator (LAC) or NDIA planner during your planning meeting or plan review meeting they can explore options for adding additional funding to your NDIS plan specifically for an FCA through the Improved Daily Living Capacity Building Supports budget.

It is important to note that a Functional Capacity Assessment is not required as part of your NDIS Access Request, and will only be funded by the NDIS after your Access Request has been approved. The impact of your disability can be demonstrated for the purposes of an Access Request in a number of ways including by demonstrating this information yourself, or by having a treating health professional write a supporting letter addressing how your disability impacts your everyday life. Find out more about what you do need to submit an Access Request on the NDIS website.

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